Small birds are my only friends as I wake to an empty house. Grounded; No phone, No cell phone, No instant messaging, No going out with friends. But I am allowed apparently to write people. Which I think is great. Oh and I was grounded for two rather poor grades on my home report.
Anyways. Last night was the last performance of my first show. Big dance after wards, it was nice. I haven't done anything like that in a really long time. Then my brother picked me up and I spent some time with him, which I also haven't done in some time. I got new lip jewelry, A shorter flat back, I think it looks much better. Rather than go out on the motorcycles for the day with my dad and his friend Tim whose visiting from England, I'm staying in and writing a paper on AIDS, relating it to something in History. I was thinking Black plauge or Small pox.
Something I never added into any of my previous entries that maybe should be mentioned is that I no longer have a boyfriend. Not sure where my mind is with thoughts of me being with someone. There is one boy who I'll say, if I could, I would actually try doing so. My lips are hot, because I ate a scone and it had little oats all over the outside. Sometime yesterday between talking with Brandon (Theater's Promo Guy) and getting in my brother's car I realized I should probably keep my work together. Ive done so many drawings, sketches, and poems..and the best answer I could give you as to where they are would be on the desk's of Case High school.
"And even though I know how very far apart we are, It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star, And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby, It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.

Somewhere out there, If love can see us through,
Then we'll be together, Somewhere out there,
Out where dreams Come true... "
Adorable song, makes me smile. Interesting how the meaning of something can change.
Especially when that something is Fieval Goes West, and yes, I am aware that I most likely spelled his name wrong.
I think you got it right actually. And my apologies for waking you earlier, just seizing the moment.
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