Better Place, Better Time.

I've come to believe there is no worse pain than loss. No matter what you lose. or who you lose. How you lose said loss, well that's what can change things. Im sitting here, starring at the screen, searching for anything to write. Trying to make myself feel a certain way.

A friend of mine once told me that it was bad to try and control my emotions. Today my thoughts are somewhat confused, but that's not blog talk. Sorry.

My eyes, hands, and tongue all slightly sting, cause I ate an oatmeal cookie =[ Wearing my chucks toady. Tattered old blue jeans, striped blue, black, & white T-shirt stolen from the little boy's section at value village. Black hoodie I've had for about five years, and navy plaid jacket. I'm delusional, I think. Mind is dull so far today. "All I wanna do all day is spend it in bed, but thats bad for the body, and even worse for my head." Feeling like a downer, no more.

1 comment:

J said...

Not my favorite post although it did include two very good lyrics.