30 Things
1. I'm very observant, especially of people.
2. I go to Denny's a lot.
3. I do a lot of things I shouldn't.
4. I do regret some things, but wouldn't change them if I could.
5. I over think things.
6. I've always got my backpack from Jamaica.
7. In that backpack is always a metal tin.
8. Body language leaves a bigger impression on me than anything.
9. I'm not as into music as the boys that I attract.
10. I get lonely easily.
11. I'm a Leo.
12. I read a lot, but rarely finish a book.
13. I love to draw, but it intimidates me.
14. I can write quite well when I want to.
15. I procrastinate things.
16. I bite my nails.
17. When I like someone, my nail polish will be chipped away.
18. I can be a flirt.
19. I'm good at manipulating things, but don't do it often.
20. I love my family more than anything.
21. I'm more typical than I let on.
22. I like uppers.
23. Human anatomy interests me quite a bit.
24. I don't wear my emotions on my sleeve.
25. I can be insanely sarcastic.
26. I don't sleep much.
27. I have an out-door cat, that I like more than my house cats.
28. I confuse most people.
29. I'm my Father's daughter.
30. I'm in love with the night.
So, my english teacher just gave me a twenty dollar gift certificate for Branes & Noble. A lot of students don't like her, but I really think she's a great lady. I'll miss her next year, she's the only english teacher I've had in high school thus far. Speaking of school, I've only got two more days, both for testing. I'm really looking forward to this summer.. I think a break is needed. Not to say that I'm one of those overly-stressed students, but Im not really okay with shitty grades, so it can be stressful.
I dont feel like updating. But, this is my Dad. I haven't talked to him in 4 days now and my heart hurts.
"No, Just wanted to bruise your lip."
"Timing is everything." Who said it.. I don't know, or care to find out. But they were right. I suppose more so than at any other point in my life thus far that's proving entirely true/relevant. No matter what angle or aspect your looking from.

I'm smiling, I'm positive. I'm comfortable. I'm fucked, maybe. But I'm rocketing out of this circle I've been racing around for as long as I can remember. Im 15 for 73 more days. The sun is hanging around a bit longer, but my skin's just as white as it always is. No, I still havent grown an inch since 8th grade and my heart's scattered across Wisconsin, but I'm collecting the pieces. Taking them back. Is this an epiphany? No, that'll hit in about 3 hours.
For now I'm just full of life.

I'm smiling, I'm positive. I'm comfortable. I'm fucked, maybe. But I'm rocketing out of this circle I've been racing around for as long as I can remember. Im 15 for 73 more days. The sun is hanging around a bit longer, but my skin's just as white as it always is. No, I still havent grown an inch since 8th grade and my heart's scattered across Wisconsin, but I'm collecting the pieces. Taking them back. Is this an epiphany? No, that'll hit in about 3 hours.
For now I'm just full of life.

My stomach is killing me today, that's never a good sign.
I want to be done with school and I'm really excited that next week's my last week.
At the same time it's hard to comprehend how fast the year went by.
Other than that nothing new really.

I've been getting pretty into the zodiac sign stuff. It's interesting.
"Yet this shall I ne'er know but live in doubt,
Till my bad angel fire my good one out."-William Shakespeare.
Dream World
I had a pretty good weekend. I got home after school on Friday and completely passed out, woke up around eight just as my friend Tyler was getting off of work. He picked me up and we went over to some bar with his Dad & a few other kids to eat dinner. I didn't have much to talk about with them other than dirt biking so the night wasn't terribly fun but it was nice. After we ate we drove around downtown for awhile and talked. I got home around 11:45 to find my parents were still up watching a movie, so I joined in to see the end. It was great to be with them. Then I sat outside for a bit with Sage and went to bed.
I ended up sleeping until 3:00 pm the next day, not something I like to do. Then I met up with Audrey & Destiny at caribou. We went over to Petland, which always makes me kind of sad but it was alright. Afer that we went back to Audrey's for a bit, then headed downtown to meet up with Steve, and some other kid's I can't remember who were hanging out on the beach. Stayed there for a while, and then headed to Best Buy to get the 3rd season of The L Word. We stayed up all night watching that, well that, sitting on the phone with someone & going for little walks. Went to McDonalds at about 6:15 where I managed to keep my sausage McMuffin down for about five minutes. We then went to a park, Value Village, and a small slew of downtown rooftops. I got a ride home from my Dad around 3:00. I can't remember much of the day from that point on, but I know I was in bed by 8:00.
Bell just rang, peace.
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