Time & Again

There was night, I want to say last September, that I always think of when I light the candle next to my bed. My hair was longer, my room was clean, and I was exhausted. I can't remember what we did that day. I lit my candle, and laid down next to you. My window was cracked open, and I could hear the wind in the trees as I curled twoards you. Your eyes were closed. As the glow of the flame cradled your face you appeared beautiful to me in a way you never had before. You opened your eyes and looked at me, and even now thinking back on that moment my heart seems to skip a beat. I closed my eyes, and you began to stroke my hair. You continued to do so until I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up to my alarm feeling like I'd slept for the first time in months.

Things are different now, my love for you has grown in many ways. And though either one of us may get caught up in the troubles of romance from time to time, I know with all of my heart that we are capable of overcoming whatever obsticles we'll face, so long as we face them together.


"By tonight, the earth bursts open."

My brother and I have never been extraordinarily close, but he loves me. He bought me beer, earlier tonight. Gave me some shit for drinking alone, to the point where I almost didn't. Then I found out I had a reason to drink tonight. Good night.


"So go on, and I will refrain.
And I'll keep on running in this never ending race.
And maybe next time, will be th right time.
And maybe next time, will be your time.
So save your scissors, for smoeone else's skin.
My surface is so tough,
I don't think the blade will dig in.
Save your strength, save your wasted time.
There's no way that I want you to be left behind.
Go on and save your scissors."

I'm sorry.